Country map
Country borders
Precipitation accumulation
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • 23:35
  • 23:55
  • 00:15
  • 00:35
  • 00:55
  • 01:15
  • 01:35


Radar ±2 hours


Precipitation and weather Bucharest

In the coming hour, it will continue to rain with the possibility of thunder

  • Wednesday

    3 Jul
    Bewolkt en kans op onweersbuien

    18° / 26°

    ZW 2
  • Thursday

    4 Jul
    Geregeld zon, ook wolken

    16° / 27°

    ONO 1
  • Friday

    5 Jul
    Veel zon, enkele wolken

    17° / 31°

    NW 1

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